Walls in heaven.........

So dig this. Pastor Kay of Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church enlightened me to the fact that some christians out there believe there are walls in heaven during a bible study. How so? What for? Well being of the human species we cannot help but to cause divisions on earth and somehow have the audacity to think that we can take our walls to heaven, we think that God wants or needs our walls. These walls have been built to divide denominations, apparently. And there are loads of different sections, one for those who believe they are right about everything, another for those who believe in baptising children or maybe those who like to wear hats. Who knows!
All I can say is where does it talk about walls in Revelation? And isn't it more important to agree to disagree on 2ndary or tertiary issues in order to win souls. Then we can join the chorus of those who sing around the throne in heaven singing 'worthy is the lamb'. I'm not talking about compromising on issues, just putting Christ first in all we do and loving one another as commanded.
Surely on aspect of looking towards heaven is meeting the Lord's people. How can we do that if we are walled off. Anyhoo I don't believe anyone who reads this would hold such views but it makes me shake my head to think that some do!
Time to think about hitting the sack......................well, i'll think about it!
The mother of the boy who sleeps through the night says it was great to see you and thanks for the kettle.
He is still coughing but is slowly getting there................hope you manage to get some sleep after your night shifts!
Ha ha and HA
Come on nutty nurse...........I'm waiting for the next insightful extract of your nutty life...........
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