Misc Family Pics
David reached the heady hights of being 34, older and wiser! He had a tasy cake, if I don't say so myself. The thanks goes to Yasmin for prompting me to make one, Susanna for being clever enough to steal the recipe from Moomin and to Moomin for being domesticated enough to have the recipe in the first place!!!
The picture of Nat is a blurry black and white effort taken in the bath while he grins and wiggles around. I thought the blurry edges and water make it quite artistic!
Then above is your truly holding 'the mole' as I call him! Nice floppy head there!
And then, the crowning glory..........what you've all been dying to find out.........How did she manage to blog so quickly after giving birth?
The answer my friends can be demonstrated using this simple equation:
laptop + wireless connection + sofa = comfortable mummy/sleeping baby and therefore time to blog!
The wonders of laptops and wireless....
Happy birthday David and ohh to be 34 !!!
Pressed enter before I completed message doh!!
The secret chocolate cake recipe was in my Katie Stewart diary for 1979 and is very deliciously calorific (and probably not at all PC - according to recent news on overweightness and BMI. Reg says it is the 'bee's knees' and who am I to argue?
It looks good enough to eat :)P>S- 1979 was a great year, and not just for recipes!
Hmmmmmmmmmm no bias there eee!
picture alert on moomin
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