Random recent pics and events.......
When you're smiling............
Ahhhhhhhhhh, the A Team! We haven't aged a bit!!!!
This is a pic of a recent rainbow taken from the loft........it was most beautiful.
Nat in a hat. Now this just makes me giggle. It is the hat that came with present, see previous post, and Nat is obviously just thinking how dapper he looks in it!!!! Suits you Sir!
Now this is for old times sakes. I was scrolling through pics in my phone showing Nat when I came across this one. It is sooooooooo cute!!! They all look so wickle and ute............if only we knew eh!!!!

nn XX
what? was Matthew ever really that small? ! Most cute- and yes, the A team still look fab dab darling :)
Daniel has informed me that he wants 2 more brothers and 2 sisters......dream on lad, dream on!
ha ha ha, better get crackin then, shame you're not poppin out twins as that wud cut down the pregnancy time!!!
aaah the littl'uns.....
babies popping out all over the place. both clare's sisters are pregnant now. Will we see a girl on this side too?
watch this space...........just don't hold your breath as 9 months is too lomg!!!!
Just love it.
And my word verification is 'sping' just love it...
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