
It would have been very smooth but owing to the lady in front of me having problems we had to wait longer for the scan but no where near what we had to wait before. The jegllybean must have known it was about to be exposed as it did some major kicking in the waiting room before the jeglly was applied to the jegllybeglly! Either that or it was wondering why I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast because at work I have been eating a mid morning snack, lunch, tea and then getting home and having dinner! To wait till 14:00 for some food is obviously not on! Anyhoo, it behaved itself for the scanner and we looked away while they checked if it was a girl or boy jegllybean, although it took all my will power not to have a sneaky glance!
NN xx
What? You mean you are not announcing the sexa nd name of your baby for all the world to see? Scandalous! Hee hee. Very cute indeed.
Fearfully and wonderfully made.
I want it to be a girl, purely selfish reasons I'm afraid...
How wonderful.
I never ceases to amaze me.
In secret!
Jonathan, if you want to come and brush it's long and nutty hair then you are very welcome to a girl. Not that I'm against a girl, at all, but shaving it all off is much easier!!!
hey that's a baby alright! very cool. do you guys do 3-d ultrasounds over there? those are pretty cool.
so what's the reason for not wanting to know the sex of the baby? just wondering.
We do do those 3d or is it 4d ultra sounds but you have to pay for them.
I don't want to know just so that when it pops out we have a surprise. Especially for me as I will have been through some pain by that time, gives me something to look forward to!
Pain? No, it is all lies. It will be the most pleasant experience you ever have.........The only problem with not knowing was being unabelt o advantage of the mothercare clothes sale after Christmas!
Where are you Nutty? We want more baby updates :)
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