WARNING: LARGE GROSS PICTURES IN SITU!!!! This one's for you Susanna! In your face!

I must apologise for exposing myself but it just had to be done. Susanna wished for more baby stuff and as I have no more scan pictures to show I guessed it had to be as close as I could get!!!! Which is my belly!!! As you can see I have some beautiful stretch marks which I don't give a monkeys about as it's life and what can I do about it, nada nada nada. I cream my belly dutifully twice a day and that's all I can do. I have a lovely heat rash at the mo which is driving me crazy. I think it's from where I get so hot at work and there's not much I can do about it. I go around opening the windows and then everybody closes them again, sigh!
Apparently the jegllybean is bottom up as it's heart beat is down to the right of my belly and I get most movement to the top right, which I assume is the feet. I also get immense sensations of pressure at the ribs on the right side which is partially relieved by pushing down on the area to squish the bean into submission, I mean move it gently down!!!
Apart from that there is not much else to say. I am 32 weeks tomorrow, so 8 weeks to the pop date. I have 2 weeks left at work to survive and then I can focus more on finding a new home and acquiring bits for the bean. Over and out from the big fat mama, I weigh 83kg raaahhhh!
Well at least you have an excusefor weighing that much. I am just fat :)
You didn't need to share your belly with the world.......but thanks for the thought. I will be very pleased when you finish work. Lots of lovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Heehee - a proper Bump. Isn't it odd to think that there is someone in there! Please give your belly a pat hello!
Susanna - you can always console yourself with the knowledge that your curves are because you had a baby. Mine? I am on first name terms with my local Indian takeaway.
I even got a calendar from them for Christmas.
It has been patted mucho, especially when kicking mucho!!
so excited...
Wow I have gone blind see such a tum lol...
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