Random pics from Christmas and NY.
I don't know what Verity got there but she looked jolly pleased none the less! Jonathan's thinking............'Hmmmmmmmmmm, how much can I get for that on ebay'!!!!!!!!!!
Rudolph was so cream crackered from Christmas Eve deliveries that he was still sleeping on new years day!
Uncle David's comment about this picture was, 'Errrrrrrrr, what do I do now'!!!!!!! Cute though!
Nathanael definately enjoyed being placed in the centre of all the pressies. He was however swiftly removed after the photo or they would have been salivated on!
That tree is the ONE! Put up to seasonalise the new accommodation as it was then pre Christmas.
Nathanael now has 3 and a half teeth plus some other contenders. He is still a very contented baby and woooed many older lady friends at the Tab last week at the Senior's new years meal. Ideal for me as I could get on with helping while he 'ba bad' and 'da dad' for them. I took him into work yesterday to get a form signed and he blew raspberries at the matron........we (being ward receptionist, ward sister and myself) were roaring with laughter! Such a cheeky chappy....................I blame the father of course!
Over an' out. NN XX
Who is sitting next to Verity in the photo (I recognise Verity and Jonathan from church as they normally sit either beside or behind us)?
Whose baby is "Rudolph"? He looks absolutely beautiful :-) Santa is your brother Jonathan? And who is Uncle David?
Sorry if this sounds very nosey,I don't mean it that way, it's just that I am trying to sort of the who's who of the Met Tab - no small task. I think all members there should wear name tags like nurses do (only joking :-)
I finally worked out who your mom is - tho the children have known for ages. I hope she didn't notice that about five of them jabbed me and said "that's Mrs Hunt" in less than whispered voices when she came in. I was a bit embarassed, I have to say :-(
I'm sure she laughed at her celebrity status!!!
Jonathan does the P.A system so is often near you as is Verity.
Next to Verity is my older sister Susanna who has blog 'through a glass' and she has written on your blog. Rudolph is her newest arrival Matthew. She lives in Devon now.
Santa aka Jonathan lives in Cheltenham, not lapland!
Uncle David is my husband but uncle to Rudolph!
I assume you know who my father is but in case not, he's the greying brother who does the notices!!!! Ha ha
The tag idea is good. We all wear tags at the School of Theology!!! However if we did it all the time we would look like mormons!!!
Thanks for looking at the pics.
She is opening the box of goodies that i gave her :)
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