Two steps forward one step backwards.....

Well as you can see the original wound on the right has granulated upto the surface. All that is now required is a bit of skin please!
Unfortunately as you can see we have a new contestant for annoying wound of the year award on the left hand side. If you look back as previous posts you will see a blob to the left of the wound. This was a collection under the scar and has now opened into a new wound. Fingers crossed it will heal up soon but Mr Nuttynurse is finding his general unwellness and wounds very frustrating to say the least. I remind him that he could have to go and see a practice nurse everyday to get it dressed but then again he has to put up with me so that wasn't the best reasoning in the world! I mean who would put up with a nuttynurse anyway! Yessireee!
Anyhoo people keep it real and pray for the gathering of the elderly people for food and fellowship on thursday.
nn x (click on the small icon top right for a scary pop up) copyright nn 2006
Still looks quite angry and inflamed don't it? Poor Mr nn and sends commiserations. Waiting at hospital TTA arrived quite soon - only 40 minutes after we were told that a patient could go home today so that's a big improvement on my last effort (several hours)for this particular 91 year old patient on discharge.
I go all goose pimply everytime i look at the pictures , infact i do not even lok at the pictures now i quickly read and reply.Infact i have to work myself up to view your blog lol..Breathe in breathe out..
Poor poor Mr NN but still ewwwwwwwwww still.
Come on Mrs B. You've had a baby for goodness sake, you must av seen worse than a little ickle wound!!!
Anyhoo, raising goose pimples might burn extra calories!
Did you like the pop up? crazeeee!
How did you do the pop up? I like the look of the chocolate......drool, slobber. Man, I must be good! Have some old friends waiting to be worn. Love to Mr NN
It is a picture I added but made it really small so you have to click on it to see it so its not a real pop up but an enlargement!
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