My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Snowday Sunday

When D told me it was snowing on Sunday I got up so quickly that I nearly blacked out!! Now there's a better way to get a lazy wife out of bed!! Much better than an alarm clock or promise of coffee!

Top of page you can see our lovely scaffolding waiting to be used.

Nat enjoyed being carried around while I crunched as much snow as possible!

See above:Nat found a new friend about the same size, if a bit bigger!! Today, being Tuesday, his friend still remains as a small blob of snow but his arms fell orf!

Nat waved his arms and legs in the snow as he said, 'Mummy what are you doing to me?' but he liked it really, apart from the cold bit.

Back to normality now as D goes back to school. I have been absolutely cained from working day shifts but I still love it! Nothing quite like the feeling of lead legs from working 07:30 till 20:30 but at least I am doing something which rewards the pain!!! I feel physically more tired from working day shifts than nights as days are more physically demanding whereas nights are more about surviving being up for 24hrs with no sleep!!!

nn XX



Blogger Clare said...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!
Ermmmm you team lost yikes!

9:45 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Hunt said...

robbed by the referee. again.

9:46 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Gutted man! And how can Arsene play Eboue (can't spell it) ahead of Walcot? How how why why?

10:18 AM  
Blogger Moomin said...

I did hear about some disputed referee call causing grief to Arsenal. Never mind m'dears. Twenty snowmen on the way to Sunday School? Must be a record!
What a wonderful snowday Sunday ot was.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Hunt said...

You spelled Eboue right and Walcott wrong lol.

Anyway, no-one has addressed the important issue, which is that making a snowman on the sabbath is work and therefore immoral.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Susanna said...

I won't mention the snowman on dartmoor then.......

7:33 AM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Sue me! ha ha

1:16 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

p.s David endorsed such actions and told me to take Nat into the garden so as he is the head of the snowman making sabbath breaking household then you need to take issue with him!

p.p.s Is this issue gonna snowball?

1:20 PM  
Blogger Esmeralda said...

The Hunts family never failed to make me giggle:-) I hope these conversations aren't meant to be private. If so you may need to make them private, but you know me anyway and I won't spread it, promise:-)I need some regular doses of giggles during my second attempt at scary finals.

P.S. Miriam, you have the world's cutest baby. He's grown so much since last year.

7:35 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Why thank you. David always wonders how he has turned out so cute, bit of an insult to the wife me thinks!!!!

We know our comments are open to the world and the world know all about the Hunt humour so we bring it ON!!!! You should be grateful my father doesn't blog or your laughter lines would be down to your toes!!! LOL!

1:35 PM  

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