Now you see it.....
So after cutting hair with scissors in the bath on a constantly moving Nat and getting some not so great finishes I decided to buy some clippers. As you can imagine he didn't enjoy the experience but did quite well to sit fairly still while an alien buzzed over his head. By the time he finished he had a very hairy torso! I did get an apron in the kit but it would have been too big and it would have added to the 'experience' in a negative way.
I didn't achieve a fantastic finish but hopefully that will improve with Nat's compliance and more practice. At least I won't get comments about his badly cut fringe anymore as he doesn't have one, yay!!
Long live the skin head!!! Well, I didn't intend major shortness, the top is an 18 and the back is a 7 but he looks quite cute and I prefer my men clean cut!!!!
nn XX
p.s Unfortunately Mr NN has showed no inclination to let me do his hair..........I wonder why...........
When J told me you had shaved his head I went into imagination overdrive. Then I came here and was pleasantly suprised at a well done haircut cut.
He looks so cute cute cute!
He looks so much cuter and mischevious with shorter hair. It looks good in the pic but the back and sides are very bitty.
I thought you had scalped him. Of course he is still 'ute!
hee hee, not in the league you and john were! You looked great after that close shave!
Very cute Mim and well done!
Oh, it is Nat the Rat!! He is so cute... give him a cuddle for me!
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