Bro + Hot Nat takes splash!
Ode to JDH:
Standing, waiting on a beach,
My eldest sibling, apt to preach,
Caring for his darling wife,
Who bears such burdens in this life.
Looking cool, in lime green shirt,
Shades on, but still alert,
Game to play, tendons of steel?
I think not 'Ow my heel!'
Braving the ice cold seas with John,
And stayed in rather much too long,
Blue lips but nephews to see,
So back to base and cup of tea.
My big bro, irreplaceable, best friend,
Family is precious, the time we spend.
So let no earthly cares molest,
Bro, army soldier, BE THE BEST!
nn 2008
Now on a less sentimental note it was 26 degrees this Saturday just gone. That was our summer, one day!! Anyway, Nat was hard at work keeping the local rats under control, who needs a cat eh! And after all that hard work one must have a nice drink, relaxed like.
So mummy thinks 'Nat is hot, what shall I do?' Ah, water! So I get a bucket which he really enjoyed playing with but it didn't quite do if for me. Soooooooo...........I got thunking and thunked that I could improvise with a storage box and hey presto I thunked a paddling pool into being.
Nat loves his stacking pots and those clever designers made them with different holes in the bottom to create different flow rates when being used in water. Sounds rather urological to me!
Anyhoo, I would have bought a paddling pool this summer but it was a big let down sun wise so didn't bother.
nn XX
Great poem , you talented lady.
Was John's first day at comprehensive today, scary!!!
That rat picture had me piddling with laughter! What a clever mummy mimmy - paddling pools and verse. such creativity from me I am afraid.
Oh please. You have to be creative having two boys living in a small house, don't do yourself down.
Clare; I'm one of these sad people who's verses just have to rhyme! I wrote a hymn once. I should seek it out!
A fitting salute to a big brother. Dad has written his last work ode. He read it to me last night! Why didn't I realise it was 26 degrees Celsius? I was cleaning the building site indoors! What I missed!! Nat and rat pics lovely. way man!!!
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