My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bits n Bob the builder + Mohican

A few random photos to illustrate recent life around the green. As I type fine dust is falling on me from above as the builders bang things around on the beams. They have removed some of the roof, see pic, so they can fix the steel rods in place. These weigh an immense amount and to get them to the house they had to roll them along on metal pipes as they couldn't lift them. With the impossibilty of a crane they are now trying to work out how they will lift them upto roof level!
Today I also had a man fixing a raidator valve and then Thames Water, who have been faffing around with pipes in the area for 3 months already, decided they would dig up about 5 holes around the green. Goodness me, it's like being in a drill happy wonderland and all in the pouring pouring rain!!!

Great Grandma came over the over week so grandaughter made sure she made good use of her, see pic, and her storytelling skills! It was a test to see if she could say 'peekaboo' without her dentures falling out. LOL

My two happy boys caught on camera recently, with rat of course! I think he looks a lot more David these days, especially when D pulls a sad face!!!!

Then there is Nat with a mohican! I remember a picture of me looking like this but I am a bit older. I cut his hair last night in the bath, hard work but he looks really cute with short short hair and not a floppy mop. Cutting his hair is like trying to paint a wave; difficult cos he keeps on moving!!!!! I'll get some clippers when he gets! Then I'll give myself a number 1!!!!! Ha ha! Don't worry one is jesting!

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am freezing. Having loft hatch open is like leaving the freezer door open!

nn XX


Blogger Clare said...

Great pictures and made me giggle about peek a boo.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Hunt said...

Hash anyone scheen my teesh?

8:30 PM  
Blogger Susanna said...

Hee hee- read your phrase about the rat again 'I think he looks more like David now!' Hee hee hee. I could have given you my clippers if I knew you wanted some but they have been free cycled! Never mind.
It has actually been drier than I thought it would be here- hope you get some sun for the bank holiday.

Re the carne......didn't they realise it would be a problem before they started?

6:47 AM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Carne? Spanish for beef!! LOL. Yeah they knew but didn't think it would be so hard. Today they told me they had decided it was the loft from hell as what normally took 1 day had taken 3 so I said well at least the accomplishment will be greater!!! The builders are v funny guys. I keep giggling all day listening to them.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Esmeralda said...

Those cheeks are so cute, even on a picture there seem so 3D, I can almost reach for them through my computer screen:-)

1:23 PM  
Blogger Moomin said...

A typical day in the life..........

12:55 PM  

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