My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Herbert or Mrs Tiggywinkle?

So there I was minding my own business last night torch in hand moving a bit of water out the mini pond to accomodate the new tads with H2O when.................

Well to break it down I was leaning over scooping water with a jug in my right hand and holding torch in my left. I had completed a few scoops when my jug brushed over something which moved.............arrrgh!!! I nearly wet meself!!! I jumped back and shone my torch over the area and to my surprise there was a massive fat hedgehog right next to the mini pond. I had been completely oblivious to it!!! Anyhoo, I jumped up and down like silly child and ran to get David. I said 'Get out here now you have to see this' and he said 'But I only have socks on' so I said 'It's worth getting wet socks for' so he came out and said 'Wow' and then returned swiftly to the kitchen as there was a curry waiting for him!!

I spent a while oogling it from every angle and looking at it's cute ickle black nose. Then I took some pictures, of course..............................and then I praised God for His wonderful creation........even though it scared the pants off me! The irony was that when I went out I swept the garden with the torch looking for foxes or cats that would jump out but it was Herbert that scared me, slightly! My rationale for it being Herbert is that it was quite big so maybe a daddy hedgehog. Or maybe they are like frogs and the female is a big mama while the male is small! Who knows. All I knows is that it was well worth delaying a curry for!!!!
nn XX
p.s I hope he/she doesn't eat tadpoles!
p.p.s In the bottom two pics you can see the ickle black nose!


Blogger Susanna said...

Ha ha ! That post brightened up my Saturday. I remember putting my hands on slugs by mistake when feeding my rabbits- yucky yucky! Herbert I think as he 'lived on a hill and his home had a wonderful view, of swans on the lake who liked eating cake that picnicers quite often threw....'
Now obviously he is on vacation and missing his lake but tootled over to your mini pond!

Hope nothing nasty got him during the night hours (Death to the rabbit eating foxes!)

1:52 PM  
Blogger Jonathan Hunt said...

Hedgehogs are fairly well protected. We used to get them on the lawns outside our old flat all the time. Once I carried one across the road to save it from squishing!

And fyi hedgehogs are pretty clever. If they can grap something living outta the water to eat, they will. They definately would eat a frog if they could.

3:21 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Oh dear. It seems death to the tads not the foxes then, boo hoo.

4:36 PM  
Blogger The Mom said...

I'd love to see hedgehogs in our garden - but with the number of foxes we have I doubt we will.

The squirels cause a lot of improptu entertainment - the little boys love to watch them play. Not sure how come the foxes don't eat them . . . . but my brain isn't up to much right now.

5:36 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Prob too quick for food! I love watching squirrels as long as they stay in the trees and not my loft!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Moomin said...

Can't see his black nose...

2:47 PM  
Blogger nuttynurse said...

Try harder. Zoom the image. It is almost underneath him but it's there or my name ain't iggy!

12:43 PM  

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