Still 'getting there'...............patience is a virtue!!!!!!!!!! Plus our holiday....
We went to Corfu recently so here is a taste of what it was like;
Nat loved being in the pool which was nearly always 30 degrees! He amused the other guests no end.
This is the view all along the bay our hotel was in.
Nat in his floatie which was £13 very well spent!
This was a walk through a little greek village high up where you could see a fantasic sunset. These flowers are common but so beautiful.
We went up to the village on evening to watch the sunset. It was lovely and the usually cloud free sky had a few streaky clouds to enhance the effect.
Here are some more pictures of the 'getting there' project. Today I raked the lawn of building debry and then mowed and strimmed it. All in 29 degrees, woooo, was I sweating!!!
This the view standing on scaffold at the back looking towards the front down the right side of the house. It gives you an idea of the nice work done on the tiling. The weird looking pipe job was done today to accomodate the toilet's waste pipe.
This picture is from the front left of the scaffold looking down the same side of the house as the previous picture but from the front. The window on the left is above the new staircase.
This is the vew from the scaffold of my washing, hmmmmmmmmmm, and Nat with rat, of course!
This is view down from top of new staircase.
And finally, view from back right of garden. We are the only house around the green with a red roof but more on the road. It brightens up things rather than a grey slate, which was the other option, or a rather sickly brown which is kinda gross for a roof colour even if it matches the paint job.
Life goes on. I am working full time being a nuttynurse at the mo so daddy is having to do lots of babysitting and is getting a taste of what mummy does on her 'days off'!!!!! Work has been ridiculously busy with untold demands on staff when on shift. I still love my job and wouldn't swap nursing but sometimes I wonder how long the goodwill of nurses/NHS workers will last when they are pushed to the limit, do loads of unpaid overtime and don't have time to take allocated breaks!
Peace out
What wonderful holiday pictures.
The loft conversation seems to be nearly done and looks great.
Was good seeing you last weekend , good to catch up with the family. am sure i had one of those once........It is illegal to not get your breaks you know....but when people need help it is hard to say no. Will the stars have carpet?
Yea man those holiday pics are lush. Reminds me of my trip to France.
I join you in the world of the NHS next tuesday God willing:-)
The stairs will be carpeted but not the 'stars'!!!!!!!!!!
Liz: 20 cannulas a day will make you an expert quick but to be honest some Drs never get that good. Like all skills it is one you are either adept to or not but you will soon find out. If you are not then delegate!!!!! (I'm sure you will be fine though)
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