My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Friday, November 25, 2005

Dead computer

Due to the lack of a functional ccomputer at home I have not blogged in a while. I am currently baby sitting my cute nephew who is sleeping, yes! Mummy and Daddy have gone up town to shop till they drop and grace a nice hotel with their presence.

I will be relieved by grandma Hunt so I can go to friday meeting and cook jam tarts, woopee!

Apart from having a cold which will not let me go, probably my fault as I don't rest, everything is fine with the nuttynurse. I have my driving test on monday ay 15.27 to be exact so prayers for the passing will be much appreciated. I am confident in my ability to pass but not counting the chickens before they have hatched as may result in egg on face or scrambled eggs! The priviledge of having this test is a mere £120 so I don't really wanna have to do it again. It's just not economically viable!

Over and out until we meet again, or I find another computer I can use!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Apologies for my abscence........

Sorry, especially to Susanna who seems to have nothing better to do than read about my nutty escapades. Ok, yesterday at work I was giving out dinners, patient nutrition being high in my list of priorities, and everytime I went past one of my long stay patient's rooms I did something amusing like practising my silver service pose or my waitress's walk. When we give out meals we have to wear a pink apron, that's the best bit. When I had finished I tied the apron around my head and practised the subtle art of tai chi outside her door much to her amusement!

That's what happens when I'm left in charge of the goes to my head!

One of my newer colleagues was counting down the end of the shift from the beginning! She hates working sundays because she misses her sunday roast! I hate working sundays because I miss church! I think the only people who enjoy working sundays are those who have no spiritual or culinary inclinations, oh and they like the extra duty pay as well!

Mr Nuttyhistorian (by default of being married to Mrs Nuttynurse) had his pre-assessment for surgery on December 13th to remove his second brain from his neck. Apparently he only needs one so they can remove the spare one! Maybe I could request a transplant!

Time to chill as more behated, as opposed to beloved, night shifts loom on the brink of my monday's horizon.

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