My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reptile on Roof!

So I'm looking out my loft window and gaze to the right and notice an odd looking creature on the neighbour's roof. I stare weally weally hard and decide that it's not moving and is a toy BUT how did it get there? It was not there when the loft was converted. If someone lobbed it up there how did it land so wonderfully top side up? Is it real? Am I gonna be invaded by a red eyed blood sucking lizard at some stage in the near future? Watch this space...........

Once again I wish I had a super doper zoom lense so I could analyse the very scales on it's toes! Ah well..........if all goes quiet then you know I am slowly dissolving in a reptilian stomach!

Over and out

nn XX

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The day the door fell off.........

One day nuttynurse was minding her own business upstairs when 'BANG, CRASH' happened downstairs. In a split second my brain raided it's memory banks for recognisable sounds but it was totally alien and I couldn't imagine what it was. I gingerly made my way downstairs to discover what had transpired and saw this:

As you can imagine I was quite peturbed by the event, even unhinged you might say........! But it's kinda funny in a funny kinda way!!!

I had tightened the screws on the hinges previously but they had loosened and on closer inspection both hinges had broken in two resulting in the door falling right orf!!!

Poor Mr NN now has no way of shutting out the 'daddy, daddy, whes da ball, whes da car' when he wants to mark on the table!!! Hee hee

nn :)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

More snow pics

More misc pics of massive snowmen, Robin in garden, mummy and nat footprints etc.

Monday, February 02, 2009


All in all the weather has been great fun apart from a bump into my bumper last night from a sliding motorist!!

David's school was shut so we wrapped up and headed out to Sainsburys to get lunch and bits. We even had an avalanche off our roof but thankfully I was not standing by the porch at the time!!!

Nat enjoyed the 'snow, snow, snow'!!!!

Here's some pics from this morning:

adopt your own virtual pet!