My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Come in Houston...........

View of dormer from rear. It has two windows to be fitted.
This is half kitted out to be a space station......see silver to right hand side.
Not finished view of staircase from landing.
Moses supposes............

Work progresses.........not at the speed of light but more moderately! On friday they were cutting the insulation that goes between the wooden struts and it got everywhere. Even after vacuuming it was still floating down but I'm not bothered about mess at mo as a pointless exercise! The insulation has silver fascia to reflect heat but it makes the loft look like a space station and after they have put larger thinner sheets over it will be like a rocket.
The roses are all that's left of my front garden!
nn XX

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The loft progresses...........

So after 5 weeks what do we have. Well finally we had all 4 builders here on Monday and they put in a 10hr day to put up the dormer seen in the pics. It's quite a good size when you stand inside, not massive but will make a good 4th bedroom.

Also after 6 weeks the timber from the garden has finally been used up to reveal the damage to the grass, ouch!! Ah well these things have to be sacrificed in the name of progress but hopefully it will grow back or I will be re-seeding it soon.

News about Nathanael's passport is this. It was sent in April but the Identity and Passport service's scanner missed the 1 in 16 so it was sent to no.6 instead of 16. When this error was established (23/5) they apologised but the damage was done. Not only a lost passport but birth certificate which has info about all of us on it, such frustration!!! We hope that it will either end up at our neighbours or returned to the IPP. Either way we are not impressed with the service recieved and it shows how one error can lead to loss and identity fraud. My neighbour says he has not received the passport although the delivery company claim they delivered it. Who knows what the truth is but hey ho these things are sent to annoy/test us!! The main thing is we are able to travel now we have the passport but please pray that the BC will turn up safe as it could be used wrongly if it falls into the wrong hands.

So building and passports aside, what else is going on? David had a tooth removed last friday at 20:15, don't ask, and he is still in a lot of pain. I think it is a bit infected but he refused to wipe the socket with he a chicken or am I a ruthless nurse? All I know is that the pain is secondary to small infection to the best approach is aggressive cleansing even if it hurts. No pain no gain methinks but it's not my mouth!

That's it really. I was at work, day shifts, last week was enjoyable. Always is, I love my work which is nice to be able say.

nn XX

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