My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Walls in heaven.........

So dig this. Pastor Kay of Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church enlightened me to the fact that some christians out there believe there are walls in heaven during a bible study. How so? What for? Well being of the human species we cannot help but to cause divisions on earth and somehow have the audacity to think that we can take our walls to heaven, we think that God wants or needs our walls. These walls have been built to divide denominations, apparently. And there are loads of different sections, one for those who believe they are right about everything, another for those who believe in baptising children or maybe those who like to wear hats. Who knows!

All I can say is where does it talk about walls in Revelation? And isn't it more important to agree to disagree on 2ndary or tertiary issues in order to win souls. Then we can join the chorus of those who sing around the throne in heaven singing 'worthy is the lamb'. I'm not talking about compromising on issues, just putting Christ first in all we do and loving one another as commanded.

Surely on aspect of looking towards heaven is meeting the Lord's people. How can we do that if we are walled off. Anyhoo I don't believe anyone who reads this would hold such views but it makes me shake my head to think that some do!

Time to think about hitting the sack......................well, i'll think about it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Staying with the Berries

Well the boy who 'sleeps all through the night' decided he would develop a cold just in time for auntie mimmy's arrival and then rob her of precious sleep. Ah well, he must be trying to remind me of the realities of motherhood, thank you my child! I can't moan however, cos I can naf off in a few days and get back too................night shifts. Pants, so much for the sleep!

Reminder to self: get a normal job! Yeah, like that's gonna happen innit!

Susanna's onion cutting is blurring my visual and cerebral channels, peace out until next time.

Oh and to those who know my husband, his sleep has been severely dented by easy jet delays and Germany's tarde train service!

Friday, October 14, 2005

House hunting..........what do I find?

Today one ambled down Sunray Avenue took a left and then sauntered along to Wanley Road. After eyeballing the area I sat on a step to pass a few minutes and then knocked on the door. I was greeted by a lady I soon discovered had worked for King's transport for 27 years. Random yet reassuring, I mean if you give 27 years to transporting victims of the NHS then you gotta have soul! So she showed me around the crib and I saw everything from the greenhouse to her invalid husband sitting in his armchair n.b who came up with the word invalid anyway, it's kinda derogatory innit. So it's a reasonable place, a bit dated but hey and we could both walk to work easily. And it's situated back and right from the might Dulwich hamlet F.C, oh and sainsburys.
So that's it really...........let the searching continue.........and the divine guidance begin.

Second friday meeting talk is tonight on believing in God cos we see his creation all around us. What a marvellous topic and how do I fit it all into 20 mins.............I'll ask for 25 heh heh heh!


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Up the wall

This is what I normally do to my husband but I have concentrated my driving skilz into real driving now. I had a good lesson today, 2 hours of sweet clutch control baby! I have my test booked for the 28th of Nov so me just touching up some rough edges in the mean time.

Interesting fact for the day:
Well you've heard of pacemakers right. You know, the lickle ickle pieces of technology which are inserted near the SA node in your heart which regulates you heart rate. Well I recently learnt that you can get a pacemaker for your gut! How cool is that. Peristalsis is the process whereby your bowels propels food along. If this process is slow or absent you can swell up like a balloon and even perferate your bowel which means....emergency surgery! So anyhoo, you can have this inserted if you have 'lazy gut' and it will trigger normal peristalsis.
That was your fact for the day.......wonder if they do one for lazy brain...............hmmmmmm

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ok here we go..........

For all of you who think there is some decency left in the world check this. A 31 year old lady was recently diagnosed with cancer on my ward and not given very long to live...6-9 months in fact. She has a five year old son and living with partner, who was not the fathers child. This so called partner waited for my patient to get home and then left her claiming that it was becuase she had been selfish...................
It makes my blood boil to see the sheer self centredness that sin brings into human lives and the misery and suffering that follows therein. Her only fault was that she was too racked with pain and nausea to give him the attention he wanted. Anyway, I was galvernised into action realising the nearness this lady was to possible death and was able to give her Spurgeon's 'Evening by evening' and a CD of minestry. She was very grateful and I pray God will work in her heart.

On a lighter note I have booked my coach tickets to go and see Mr and Mrs Berry plus the chunky monkey on the 17th Oct so if anyone requires a courier to the west country, let me know.

Peace out

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Edge of life issues: Euthanasia

Unfortunately due to my work, commitments and unfortunately again some laziness my reading time is very limited. For a believer this is a shame as the building up of character and steadfastedness surely comes from being grounded in truth.

I did however read from cover to cover Dr John R Ling's 'The Edge of Life' published by Day One, ISBN 1903087 30-9. I highly recommend this book as it covers all relevant issues including abortion, eugenics, infanticide, euthanasia and suicide. He draws his points together cohesively with his founding principles and argumants always based on biblical truths. This book is an absolute must for every believer as momentum for new laws endorsing the gross act of murdering those who have no voice otherwise known as euthanasia is gathering pace. What more can our society do to bring about the fulfillment of acts of evil prophesied for the last days than to further the cruel hand of man who believes that there is no God therefore no sanctity of life and therefore those who pose an imposition on the human race should be dispensed of. I mean, why should young career minded people be burdened witht the care of their parents because due to a lack of funding more and more nursing homes are closing? Isn't this a huge imposition on their lives from those who have nothing left in life to live for and just suck the economy dry? Why should women who, oooops had unprotected sex, have to live with the consequences of their sin and raise a child when they can easy as you like have it in vitro burned alive or sucked from their womb with no further reprocussions. Oh, apart from the fact that their conscience will bite them. Isn't it their right to decide? These were lives with no value anyway. Forget the 5th and 6th commandments, who believes in God anyway?

This kind of disgusting reasoning is common place in our society although many would not verbalise such thoughts. The problem is that a wholesale sweeping of biblical values under the carpet leaves room for those who hold these views to pass judgement on vulnerable people's right to live and their perceived quality of life. Also the misplaced audacity which allows one human to say that it is in the best interests of another human to die because they think so.

Dr Ling sheds light on the mindset behind such thinking and the many guises it takes. He also looks at the shift in the medical profession and changes made to the hypocratic oath. Don't think that if you take your aged mother into hospital that the doctors will cause her no harm.
Nowadays the simple act of withholding food and fluids is deemed the withdrawing of treatment when in fact it is the withdrawing of life sustaining essentials not medical intervention. As Dr Ling says the outcome of those who food and water is with held from is 'Entirely predictable'. To with hold the basics of life is to condemn to death. We in the bible are commanded to feed our enemy if he hungers and give him water to drink if he thirsts, Romans12;20. How much more should we feed those who are our not our enemies, those who are family, friends, associates. well I guess with no sanctity of life understood then people will not stand for these. Then how much more we should.

I my line if work I have been party to DNR or do not rescusitate orders. These are legal documents which are taken seriously and never signed unless medical and nursing and often family and patient are in agreement. To make things clear these documents allow the patient to die if their heart stops. In hospital a crash call has to be put out unless these forms are signed.
The rationale for these forms are that trying to re start the heart will be unsucessful or that the quality of life will be poor. This raises the issue of who judges the quality of life but in all the decisions I have witnessed the patient in question has been end stage cancer where life expectancy is days and to rescusitate would be cruel and an example of unwarrented intervention. This does however leave an opening for those who wants to abuse the system to do so.

What Dr Ling argues and argues well is that the true meaning of euthanasia 'to die well' should be fulfilled in the provision of palliative care. Palliative care is fantastic when it works well. Dying patients are continually assessed and given 24/7 help with pain, nausea and restlessness. It allows people to die when they are called by God and when they do it is natural, pain free and without the interfering hand of man. Palliative care helps people die well. Not early, at the beck of someone else, illegally or unrequested. There are PC teams at every NHS trust who work in hospital and in the community to meet patient's needs.

This should be the driving force behind new laws, that more funding should be given to establish palliative care so that the evil force that is those promoting euthanasia would not be able to argue that people have long slow painful deaths. They may forever argue that humans have the right to decide to die as the mother has the right to kill her baby. This will never go away until the Lord comes again in righteous judgment to remove all sin from this fallen world. May it be that we look forward to this blessed day but until that time fight for those who have no voice, fight to win sinners for the Lord and fight against the enemy within. Amen

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