My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A reminder to read.....

Upon receiving an email from Dr John Ling I thought about all the things I had read in his book and how useful it was and still is. I have therefore uploaded a picture of the wonderful book itself and remind those who have not read it that they really should. It is a poignant reminder of the times we live in and the depths to which the human race can sink morally and believe God does not see. Surely we are living in the last days when the value of human life is so low and spiritual things are trampled underfoot. There is a disregard and unbelief that we are created beings made in the image of almighty God. How long can He endure the wholesale destruction of life which is His to give and take?

On the same line the idea of elder abuse sickens me. It is again the complete disrepect and hate of life and the ability to inflict emotional and physical harm to those who are weak and helpless. Some of the most enjoyable nursing I have been part of has been the care of elderly patients. They have so much knowledge and wisdom and those who have not been made bitter by the hardships of life are some of the loveliest people I have met. Unfortunately most of them are unsaved and I know many have passed into the next life without knowing their creator. This deeply unsettles me and I pray that I may be given the opportunities to witness to those I care for.

Help the aged are trying to get carers registered to prevent abuse. The petition is available on line for those interested in signing it at

nn xx

Friday, March 10, 2006

This one's for you Queen of the Egglets.....with love!

Well the Queen of the Egglets commented that I never put a normal picture of myself on the blog...........well what can I say apart form NUTTY NUTTY NURSE! Enough type shouting methinks. So in a loving kinda teasing way I dedicate this one to her and send my condolences for her being related to me, hee hee. It could be worse, I could be psychotic nurse and judging by the mug in my hand that would be very bad for all my wonderful patients requiring IM analgesia or anti-emetics! Nurses call the shots....but we still get verbally and physically abused, humbug!

That mug was given to me by a student I mentored. I guess she felt it hadn't been a negative and wanted to reward me for it, sweet. We don't get much more than chocolates at work which as much as I love does nothing for the waistline and probably incites sugar and e number fuelled behaviour!

Well enough babble my friends. I have already prepared my Sunday School lesson...........thud...........smack. Sorry, that was I falling orf my chair in surprise and then bringing myself back to order. I need to read up on Im not converting to it, I'm going to mention it in my Friday meeting talk next week.

Peace out dudes. Live long and prosper....nanoo nanoo

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