Apparently locusts are grasshoppers which exhibit behavioural changes. Hmmm so maybe when we are moody we do really change to moos?! Hee hee, well it was worth a try!
When it rains all the baby locusts hatch. They are solitary at this point. As they hop around they knock into each other which produces hormones which excite them and they become gregarious. They all take off, ride the narle winds of change and swarm onto some unsuspecting farmers crop eradicating his annual income in a couple of days.
Its a cruel world!
The ugly evil bug displayed for your viewing pleasure is 'Hopper' from the widely acclaimed 'A bug's life' produced in 1998. He concentrated more on catching ants than yamming crops!
Anyhoo, I'm disseminating knowledge gleaned from the Friday meeting notes, Moomin and the internet which I have read in order to be able to give my talk this Friday on God's wonderful creation.
As I was summing up my talk a thought dawned upon me about how we are like grasshoppers. They can either be solitary and harmless or swarm together and cause destruction. You can either live a solitary life for God or group together with others who have no aim and end up causing hurt for others and ultimately for you.
Any other comparisons are welcome