As promised...the long since gobbled up mousey!

Oh the blessness of it all. The size of a monkey nut and hopped like a kangeroo ratty! Not even gonna rival fb's fab pictures of his squeeking wonders but cute to the ute.
Work continues to be crazy. So many sick patients and unfortunately on wed night I had to say goodbye to a patient I have cared for since April this year. An incredible lady who had had so many complications related to bowel surgery and got to the point where all the markers of her health were going down. I am not back to work until sat night and I doubt she will still be alive. It has been quite emotional for me as I got to know her and her husband very well in the past months. He has been amazing in his strength but unfortunately neither are saved. This lady has the most challenging abdomen I have seen in that she had an ileostomy, urostomy and between the two a wound which a fistula tracked into and out of. I spent hours by her bedside pioneering new ways to create a bag which would channel products out and away from her instead of leaking and ruining her skin. I have now been elected stoma nurse link nurse because of my bag skilz, that I owe to God for giving me an artistic and creative eye. Anyhoo after months of treatment she could fight no more and I cannot describe the utter desolation in hearing her cry when her fate dawned upon her. It is in some ways a saving grace that near the end consciouness is fleeting. On wednesday night I shook her husbands hand, hugged him and gave her a kiss and said goodbye for the last time. What more could I do than show my respect for such a fighter and her loyal husband. I am gutted when I reflect upon it but at least I can say I gave her my very best when I cared for her and that her death if she has not already died will be one of dignity and physical comfort. I know my colleagues do not know of this blog but I salute their dedication and the quality of care that we as a team have given her. Amen.