My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tagged......caught in a web!

In response to my brother's tag rather a long time ago, ahem. Well let me spin my web for ya!

1) Book that changed life: Difficult but probably the biography on William Carey.

2) Book read more than once: Hard cos I'm a poor reader so unfortunately it would have to be a book I studied for my English A level, Hamlet.

3) What book would I want on a desert Island: It would have to be the bible of course.

4) What book made me laugh: This is a cheat but it is a book, Calvin and Hobbs!

5) What book made me cry: Ten steps to holiness by Dr P Masters because I realised how much I had broken God's commandments even as a Christian.

6) A book I wish had been written: How to live at a 100 mph/hr in London! Or how to grow extra arms in order to meet government targets for the NHS!

7) Book I wish had never been written: Has to be the Da Vinci Code. What a deceptive pile of trash.

8) I am currently reading: MacArthur's commentary on 1 Timothy.

9) Book I'm meaning to read: 'Do we have a policy?' by Dr P Masters.

10) Tag 5 people.................naah I'm to lazy!

The picture was taken as I walked home from a night shift in the morning when dew had gathered on spider's webs, beautiful!

adopt your own virtual pet!