The jegllybean! For the world to see....

Well I finally had my nuchal scan late yesterday evening/night. By which stage my baby was dated to be 13 weeks and 1 day old. Mr nuttynurse was available to see the scan which he found fascinating despite being starving! I was also hungry having been at work all day running the ward and then going straight to the scanning unit afterwards. We ate dinner at 23:00!
Nuttynurse junior was very naughty and despite different tactics took ages to get in the right position to take anatomical measurements and check the usual stuff. After what seemed ages and much wriggling and stretching and waving of tiny digits the scanners were able to get what they needed and we three got to go home, finally, 14 and a half hours after I first stepped into Kings that day! Suffice to say I have been rather lazy today but I do have to work tonight!
5 years of marriage has been a steep learning curve for both me and hubby but through it all the Lord has overuled and blessed us greately. We thank God for this great blessing of a child. We also thank him for is his faithfulness, love and mercy and pray for guidence as we look forward to becoming parents and all the wisdom it requires. I don't know how my parents put up with having 4 cheeky children! Grace no doubt!