The ultimate smiley and the worst joke!
Now this smile is definately not wind! I was waving a caterpillar in his face, you can see the purple feet in the left of the picture!
Now we have moved to Sydenham I have to start all over again with making a home I want to live in. Some of the previous occupant's tastes were, how shall we put it, less than desirable! Anyhoo its livable in but the roof will have to be done fairly promptly as I start to get nervous when I hear the sound of water!
So far I have built 2 wardrobes, 1 chest of drawers, 1 baby changing unit and put up shelves in the front room recess. I blunted 2 masonry drill bits in the process as it was soooo hard! I will remove the disney heroines border from the 3rd bedroom soon as this is Mr nn's office and although he has protested, I had to be firm and say it MUST come down!!!! How can he work with all these women staring at him with their big blue eyes!!!! Especially Aerial the mermaid, she's the worst culprit! Not to mention all the purple love hearts! He he he! I'll get a ninja turtle border instead, ah the mighty splinter!
Oh dear, they just told the worst joke ever on Classic FM. A man pulls upto a petrol station and asks for some gas to be put into his tank. The attendent opens the cap and lets a hoard of bees fly in. Soon they fly out and he says to the man, try your engine. The man turns the key and the engine starts up. 'Wow' he says, 'What did you put in the tank'. The attendent replies 'BP'..............................................................haaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Yoikes that is just too hard to follow........I'm outta here.
nn XX