My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hurdy furdy birdy birdy, fa la la la, la la la la!

Many thanks go out to Moomin and Grandpa for my most splendid bird feeding station. And what a station! You could dock a birdy space ship there! It has four upper hooks for hanging feed despensers / metal ball filled with peanuts. Then it has hooks lower down for hanging 'fat snacks' on which are high calorie balls in nets held together with some fat product, hmmmm tasty! Then there is even a bath where one can wash one's beak prior to pecking. How jolly jolly!

I have already seen a blue tit and a Robin in attendence and I only put it up this afternoon in the freezing weather!

Nat loves looking at the birds so I hope he will be able to see more now of the smaller varieties. I love watching them all great and small plus the squirrels and foxes. It is the Harley nature reserve, courtesy of the Creator of course!

nn XX

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Inane grinning likeness

Grin, grin, grin. Grandpa is there by default but the other 3 are not!!! He is just guilty by association! :)

OK, so Grandma isn't quite reaching the same level as Dan and Nat but she's sure capable!!!! All I can say is that it runs in the family!!

It is amazing how many times Nat reminds me of Daniel and they are miles apart.

nn XX (older but not wiser, d'oh)

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