My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Empress Miriam the Malleable of Hopton Goosnargh
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catch up

Just a few pics to sum up what's been going on recently:

Here is the tiny random rainbow that appeared in the middle of an almost perfectly blue sky recently. Nat told me there was a rainbow and i was saying 'don't be silly it takes rain AND sun to make a rainbow'. Then I looked and had to eat my words ;)

This is Kez and Nat in the bath the other day playing nicely.

This is Nat posing in the new kitchen.

And this is Tiger Nat! He roared at Kez in the mask and made her cry LOL

Please pray for David aka Mr NN as he struggles with his health right now.

nn XX

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


OK, I thought I really must put something here other than Christmas presents!!!

So here's some I made earlier. Snippets of nutty life etc.

First up, a picture of my cutie pie, just cos she is soooo cute.

Next, Cutie pie and Natty pie in Costa. Kezia is doing her photo face, love it.

Finally, Nutty gets revenge!!!!

nn XX

Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas presents joy!

Nat flying high, and yes J, I finally got round to clicking it together! It was very easy thankfully.


'Argh, ruuuuun, the big baby monster is after us!!'

'Yes, I am learning how to share with my little sister and am doing it quite nicely here' After all Betty gave me 20 cars, so that's 10 each as mummy says!

Check out those felxible hamstrings WOW!!! Supreme stretching capabilities.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Some pics

Kezia has embraced her food now which is great and has a giggle at her cup here!

Here is the snow mouse that I splodged onto the telegraph pole outside our house!

This one's a good giggle! Nat is in his new PJs (thanks Gpa and Gma) XX

nn XX

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snow man!

So the hand that bites also provides fun!!!! Could be worse!!! Snow day.........

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hee hee hard work!

You're killing me Nat!!!

Ahhh ha ha hah hahaaaaaaaa!!!!

'Phew' all that laughing has wiped me out, NAP TIME!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Kezia had her first taste of real food (if you can call baby rice that)!

As you can she was not very impressed!!! Now to start tasting sessions, sigh! What a faf is the weaning process! I'm also worried she will become so fat she cannot move as she is mighty chunky on mummy's milk so what will happen when solids kick in.............. :)

p.s check those reds cheeks as the ickle teetheys come through!

adopt your own virtual pet!