No that's boring!

Mingalicious but scabalicious too! As you can see we have closure, well not totally but nearly. There are still little bits along the scar which collect fluid underneath and then pop to drain the fluid out! Kinda like a blister really but a bit more sinister........
I have started my care of the acutely ill adult course which should be very interesting and useful, well apart from the 7000 word essay I have to do to pass it :(
We have started first choice on the ward which is a system we use to encourage better discharge planning and have pts leave the ward before 11am on day of disharge therefore improving efficiency, saving money lost on poor bed usage and in theory it will mean we can have elective pts in earlier and not have a rush of admissions at the end of the day. It should work and I was in charge the 1st day we did it and when the head of nursing came round I was able to say we had discharged 3 pts before 11am, cha ching that was nice!
I am talking on friday about missionaries in extra talk to blend with the honourable Mr Carey series.
Laters dudes x