SBU Freshers Fair
I got there just after ten and Pastor Haile was there with the display set up. As you can see it is a well produced display with two big banners either side. Just as last year it has to have been the best visual display on offer.
The morning session was slow to start but soon we had many students flowing in to get their freebies. Pastor Haile, myself, Englebert and Bisi manned, yes I like the non PC was of saying it, the stall from 10-1. We had sweets and pens to gives away as well and lots of literature, invitations and CDs.
The CDs were popular and we gave many away. From Thursday (am + pm) alone it is estimated we gave away 700 invitations which is amazing.
Here is Bisi trying to run from the camera but I snapped her anyway!!!
Many responses were met from, "no thanks" to ''oh, thank you", to "hallelujah, praise the Lord"!!! The CDs were particularly useful as people not wanting to enter a church were willing to take away a gospel sermon.
May the Lord be pleased to use the CDs, invites and literature to awaken souls in this dark city. 2 years completed now and it has to be unrivalled in making contact with students so if other churches are in a position to do this work I would encourage it.
nn XX